Stewardship – Sharing – Generosity

Stewardship, sharing, and generosity are key spiritual practices for followers of Jesus that are at the heart of all our relationships as we strive to love God and love our neighbours, using all we have. The practice of giving focuses our attention on the needs of others and on our gratitude for the abundance we have. Like all spiritual practices, regularly sharing the resources we have at our disposal will change us over time. Our ideas of abundance will grow, our understanding of value will be transformed, and we will become more thankful and in turn more generous with what we have.

Regularly teaching about stewardship, sharing, and generosity and then giving people ways to practise will deepen personal faith and transform your community of faith as you walk away from scarcity onto the journey of abundance.

Let us show you how.

“Because This Place Exists, Lives Are Changed”

Rev. Brenna Baker writes about the importance of understanding stewardship as a spiritual discipline, not a just a financial discipline.

Not as Young as I Used to Be!

The Rev. Dave Jagger writes that this is a unique time for many older church members to make a greater impact than ever before.

Teamwork Makes the Stewardship Dream Work

The Rev. Roger Janes writes that a congregation with a stewardship team has significantly higher giving than a congregation without such a team.

"What If?"

The Rev. Brenna Baker writes that scenario church budgeting can help us respond with calm and grace to any situation that comes up.

A Fitting Christmas Gift

The Rev. Dave Jagger writes, as we prepare to celebrate Jesus’ birth, in a season of spending and gifting, let's take a moment to consider how we… continue reading

The First Step to Success

The Rev. Roger Janes writes that changing a community of faith’s culture is required to deepen generosity and stewardship.

We Are All Trustees

Vicki Nelson writes that stewardship is sharing what we have, focusing on ministry and meaning-making and letting go of competition and fear.

Cherishing Creation

Rev. Melody Duncanson Hales writes about Creation Time as a time of heightened awareness, stewardship, and action for the gifts God has given us.

Why Do You Have a Building?

The Rev. Brenna Baker invites us to tell a new story about our church buildings and what the community would lose if we didn’t have them.

Spice Up Summer with Kindness and Generosity

Vicki Nelson writes about sharing life’s lessons of generosity with children this summer.